Alright, the first day of work was kind of a very negative posts... (due only to my homesickness)..
First week of job is gone, and I did enjoy my work there, and am loving the place week after week. Everything is great as I have found a different alternative route to the workplace which is cheaper and faster.
Well, just can say one thing. Everything is planned by God and is best for me... I do thank God now that I'm starting to see that everything is better than other companies.. The job is not too tough, yet is relevant in my field. I get to do stuff that I don't do in uni that is very useful for working life. I get to enjoy time at home as I have figured out a better route...
Imagine this, I found that route in the first place.. and never stayed at my friend's place.. I would have never experienced what my dad went through, and will not appreciate him more..
So I thank God for his plans and purposes..
Can't wait for week 2~!
PS: For the first time ever, I went to be a "hing tai" (brother) for a groom.. It's a rather chinese tradition where the groom side have to fulfill several wishes in order to get the bride into the car to go to church for wedding. Well, I enjoyed everything of it though we ate some nasty stuff.. But it was fun. I actually felt more lovey dovey as the wedding proceeded... Thanks for this chance..
Another foot note, CONGRATS CHAN HON CHUNG AND ANNIE SOO~!!! or should i call ANNIE CHAN~!!! ... Chung.. we finally are relatives.. muahhahaa
2 weeks ago
2 Donations to the Lounge:
Aiseh... must be training you to be missionary la... hahhaa....
Becoming 'hing tai' ah! wat did u eat? must tell a bit la... kekeke... Got any photos to show? post some ler...
All the best in your internship... btw, how's the smart car coming?
smart car?
dont think it's smart at all le..
kinda no hope stage d..