Monday, October 13, 2008

Updates 2 of 3

Sorry for all the delay.. was rushing a report.. had 3 slightly sleep deprived nights... slightly as i still did sleep...

Anyway, second update's gonna be...


( Warning: For those who forgot.. No need send me sms or message la.. It's too late to apologize ~~~It's too late~~~~ forgot who sing this song.. haha.. )

Anyway, this year's birthday is rather special as it marks my numerical transition from a youth to an adult. Yeah babe, I'm 21~~!!!! Casino and pubs.. wahahahaha....

Neway, this shall be a lengthy one.. to show how the Lord blessed me.. wahaha... Shall start with the general ones, in the form of a song...

On the first hour of birthday my true friends sent to me..

1 surprise party for me..

On the second hour of birthday my true friends sent to me..

3 blogspot posts, and a surprise party for me..

On the third hour of birthday my true friends sent to me..

5 friendster wishes, 3 blogspot posts for me and a surprise party for me..

On the fourth hour of birthday my true friends sent to me..

30 smses, 5 friendster wishes, 3 blogspot posts and a surprise party for me...

On the fifth hour of birthday my true friends sent to me..

36 facebook wall posts, 30 smses, 5 friendster wishes, 3 blogspot posts and a surprise party for me..

On the sixth hour of birthday my true friends sent to me..

Tonnes of wishes, 36 facebook wall posts, 30 smses, 5 friendster wishes, 3 blogspot posts and A SURPRISE PARTY FOR ME~~!!

(caps it so u know it's da ending)..

Yeah.. thanks loads to everyone who sent all the greetings and wishes.. thanks man~!

Special events happened. Prior to my birthday itself, my parents brought me out for a dinner. Simple dinner at a simple restaurant located nearby house. However, when we got there, there was a performer there, singing and entertaining the guests there. Boy, is he GOOD~!! Then my dad, being wacky and all (now i know why me and my brothers are all jokers..) requested a birthday song... Thus, I got a free ice cream from the restaurant itself... (shall write a review on that restaurant sometime soon.. called BibiChik)..
My dad handsome leh.... now you know why we three siblings are handsome also.. haha
This guy is GOOD~!!!!

I really enjoy the night itself, as I don't really get to spend much time with them. And I really do have to thank God for them. Sometimes when I forgot how the Lord loves us, I just look at them, and I can see the type of Godly love projected by them. So, they are great.. wahaha... great parents~!!!

Then, I get to meet my best bud from sdk.. though not in a very good way, but at least, i got to meet him and had a chat with him. Really along time since i looked for my buddy.. If the Lord did not arrange, I might have even forgotten of him... Me bad...

My birthday was a normal monday.. with lectures and all.. and night time I went for prayer meeting.... Just when it ended, I received an official business call.. (some classmates call me la..).. thus i went to talk at the porch... when I stepped back in.. they are all prepared with the party dy.. Shiok des ka... Got surprised.. but I must apologize that my reactions can't be more.. cause.. I'm not trained to react accordingly to surprises.. haha.. Neway, credits to da organizers.. My twu best bud Jpang, Dele and Jov.. (if i left out any.. not my fault.. their fault.. for not letting me know!!) Somemore.. my car was taped.. with a big "Happy Birthday" sign.. so big.. I really have to give credit to the rascals who did this.. hehe

My Mom's Car!!!! (hehe...)

After that, I received a present from the Lord.!! What is it? Stay tuned for the third update.. haha

PS: For those who noticed, it's a christmas song. For those who noticed.. it should be a marriage course on monday night.. not a prayer meeting.. (If you're from FCC and u didnt notice that.. tsk tsk tsk....). Special PS for timlim.. i know you have a part to play bah.. haha...purposely leave u out first.. hehe

6 Donations to the Lounge:

timlim12 said...


Adele said...

la la la la ~

Sam Vun said...

uinah.. no PS for me tu... =D

Bea said...

prayer meeting konon...LOL

小彭 said...


samenduck|samenmouse said...

nice durian cake le