I'm gay....
Gotcha~! April Fools~!....
Well, it's quite obvious that it's a lie. For those who don't get the lie in the first place and actually believed me, may you have a wonderful day ahead (crosses finger).
Since today's special, I'm gonna cover a lot about today. According to Wikipedia (yeah, wiki again), "April Fools' Day or All Fools' Day, though not a holiday in its own right, is a notable day celebrated in many countries on April 1. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, enemies and neighbors, or sending them on fools' errands, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible."
So, how did this day originate? Some believe that it's a festival celebrated in Great Britain, others in Scotland. It is arguable, but in my opinion, it started because people are tired with the term "Honesty is the Best Policy". People started to want to lie, and not feel bad about it, thus have created this day so to escape the consequences of their irresponsible action. If you have time, do visit the wiki link and read about the famous pranks that have happened (some are interesting). However, i was really shocked as I read this following fact: 165 people died in a Tsunami in Hawaii, because they thought that the warning sent to them was a hoax!!
So, in all things, do believe it at first, eventhough it was told on 1st April, cause there's no harm in being cheated right?? (I said so cause I failed to con anyone.. DAMN!!) Well, for FF fans out there, Square and Enix merged on 1st April, becoming what is known as SquareEnix of today!! Woo Hoo~! Good move merging~! (the photo is about the Final Fantasy VII, one of the many products of SquareEnix!!)
Ok, back to me, today sucks. Woke up with a wonderful dream which I have forgotten what it was, managed to thank God that I arrived in uni on time, but the nightmare just starts now.
First, I screwed up in my TRC3200 lab. Everyone did it in a breeze, I spent like ages doing basic stuffs. BASIC!!! (I admit I have a lot of ego.. so..). Felt down the entire morning. Went to a lecture which I know nuts what he's talking about. Wasted my 3 hours break doing nothing.. Went for another 2 hour lecture. Had bubble tea before that ( bad decision). Sugar rush made me fall asleep in the class. Next thing I know, I'm the joke of the day for the class. Even another classmate of mine who skips class and sleeps more than I do didn't get to be the joke of the day~! What luck is this?
The rest of the day, feeling bad about the day. I really feel hopeless and useless. Stupidity just became my middle name. Well, this was my April Fool's Day, a great experience, which is too great, I won't want to have it again. Wow, Didn't believe I wrote that much. I still got something that I wanted to tell. Haha. Maybe I'll save it for my next post.
P.S: For those who wants to have some nice April Fool's jokes and cartoons, i present to you one of the top websites for this : http://www.youareconned.com/
2 weeks ago
5 Donations to the Lounge:
Gosh. The tsunami thing shocked me. April Fool's day quite dangerous actually. I kena the website before. not gonna kena it again. hmm.. its 5 in the morning edi. haha.. i know im crazy.. feeling a bit high edi.. i think i better sleep before i do anything crazy.
May tmr be a better day for you =]
P/s. remove the word verification thing leh... very mafan la..
Actually... I got nothing to say...
Why would you fall asleep when you've a sugar rush? Isn't that quite the opposite of a normal reaction? haha
Don't so stress about your studies la. Just do your best and keep your big fat ego at bay. hahahaha
just joking, don emo =p
juz give us a damn cbox so that we can spam there!
i'm here from the future..