In the previous post.. I had set for myself goals to achieve while I was back... Thus, in this post.. I shall be reporting of my success rate.. Sadly speaking.. i barely achieve any of it.. Let's have a look at the tasks 1 by 1..
1. I only had 15 wotieks as most of the stalls are not open until Thursday... thus, I failed to achieve both easy target and hard target..
2. Angpau money is not a lot this year, as I ended up at home most of the time.. thus.. I failed again to achieve both easy and hard target..
3. I'm lazy to count, but I believe there's around 40+ angpau only.. making me failing again to reach any goals...
4. I met around 80% of relatives... Thus I have gained my first easy target accomplishment..
5. Let's see... I met and bumped into around 30+ seldom contact peoples.. so I got my second easy target accomplishment..
6. I got my third easy target accomplishment as I was in church for the CNY service..
7. Yamcha-ed at Da Hua 3, Taman Emas.. and.. more??? Dang..... 0 targets reached...
8. No one plays trump in tawau~!! Another big failure..
9. Played basketball for once at Sabah Chinese, while da others were busy having their FCC vs SPC football match... oh yeah.. another easy accomplishment
10. Only met 1 a levels friend.. oh my..
11. I did small portions of dishes on three days.. haha
12. Failed to read daily...
13. only obtained 1 msn contact...
14. Drove on one of da days~!
15. Ate nasi lemak on my trip back to tawau.. man.. it changed.. not as good as last time.. which explains why I didn't have it on my trip to KL..
There you have it.. 0 hard accomplishments.. and 7 out of 15 easy targets achieved... This trip I got quite a lot of rest at home... though I do have quite a great time going out with the Secondary School mates as well as FCC-ians.. wahaha.. you guys rocks~!
PS: Played lots of Big 2 though.. haha
2 weeks ago
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