Yesterday was 20082008. Lots of people are grasping this once in a lifetime opportunity to message people they secretly admire. Yeah, what else is a better excuse than this? Simply send a simple sms saying "Did you know today's 20082008?" to initiate a chat with the person you love~!
Anyway, I'm not blogging about that any further, as my topic is 21082008. Today is evidently something new for me. I woke up at 10 am, with heavy raindrops trying to make me fall back to sleep. Nevertheless, I, being a very hardworking student (ahemm), woke up and went to uni. Reached the car park around 10.30. Classes starts at 11. So I've decided to wait on the car for a while as cats and dogs are falling on my car. Half way waiting, it was 10.40 when the rain started to drizzle. Chance is there for me to make a dash to uni~! Suddenly, instinct tells me, 10.45, the rain will stop completely. I am so DEAD. 10.50, the cloud suddenly overpopulated itself and rain fell like there's no tomorrow.
In the end, to cut it short, I used the small umbrella I always keep in my bag, walked to uni, and got wet. Not those kind of wet, but wet. My trousers are soaked from thigh to bottom, with water penetrating through my shoes. Socks was wet as well. Was in uni from 11 am till 9 pm, due to an assignment.
Catch is this, I realized that for a trousers to be dried, it'll take around 7 hours, but the socks, will never dry if you keep it in your shoes. I've ended up understanding why people insists on wearing slippers on rainy days..
Before I end this post, wanna tell you what I did for 20082008. I had 4 packs of MAMEE monster~! 2 green, 2 red. Yeah. I feel that I've accomplished something new. Yeah babe~!
2 weeks ago
5 Donations to the Lounge:
Hello, I like this blog.
Sorry not write more, but my English is not good.
A hug from Portugal
*applauds for the great achievement*
4 packs of mamee is an achievement?
gosh... the engineers Monash is producing these days...
wow i didnt even notice the date was things will get better soon...we too have the same weather here...seemingly odd though... X)
wahsai....u have a fan from portugal! that's a better achievement that ur 4 packets of mamee....hahahah