Well, we are all aware about R & D. Yeah, it stands for research and development. Once again, I shall cite something from wikipedia.
The phrase research and development (also R and D or, more often, R&D), according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, refers to "creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications".
In general, R&D activities are conducted by specialized units or centers belonging to companies, universities and state agencies. In the context of commerce, "research and development" normally refers to future-oriented, longer-term activities in science or technology, using similar techniques to scientific research without predetermined outcomes and with broad forecasts of commercial yield.
So I guess you finally got the feel for R & D. What about P & C? Nope, it's not playful and cheerful. It's private and confidential. Again, I love wiki.
P&C may refer to:
Parents and Citizens Associations, (Australian State School support bodies)
Peanuts & Corn Records
In insurance, "P&C" stands for "property and casualty".
P&C Foods
Ok, so there's nothing about private and confidential in wikipedia. But, hey, how many of you reading now knew that there's this recording company called peanuts and corns? By the way, R&D and P&C are not the main concern for this post. It's T&S. Once again, i try wiki-ing for T&S. It seems that in wiki, there's nothing about T&S.
How could it be? Nothing about T&S? Wee wang wang Wee wang wang (was requested to do so by someone.. wee him wang him la.. ).. Anyway, back to the point, of course there's nothing about T&S, I created it. Yeah babe.
It's thanks and sorry.
Thanks - For those good comments I get when i was down. There is even someone (anonymous) who wrote a message saying I'm not a failure and stuck it on my windscreen. Many thanks for all da supporters out there.
Sorry - For being so emoish and childish in my thoughts and actions. I know it's not good to emo in blogs. But I'm a person who can't talk about stuffs when I'm emo-ing. It'll only get worse. But then, I need to express, thus blog has been the victim.
After long consideration, I shall try not to emo in blog anymore. I'm ok now. Ok ady. So, once again T&S to everyone!!
PS: I was so down on monday that I thought of drinking. I can't drink alcohol cause I am not allowed to get drunk. So I came up with this sadistic and brilliant (in dumb sense) idea of getting 6 cans of sprite and downing it at one go on Tuesday night. Just to try the feel of vomitting from drinking.. Yet again, God is merciful. I ended up bringing Adele out to pyramid cause she needs cables.. My brilliant idea wasn't made real. Aargh...
2 weeks ago
7 Donations to the Lounge:
yeah.. dun emo so much la... would rather u "wee Wang Wang" more often.. hahaha...
damn right..
wee wang wang vic is so much better than emo vic.
*stabs self for reading blogs when submission is tmr*
LOL Victor Lee, why do you write blogs like writing a report?
Drinking ain't that bad.... >=D
Wee wang wang....
Psalm 103:17-18
But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD's love is with those who fear him,and his righteousness with their children's children
- with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.
so "WELLDONE & GRATS" to U, mr blogger(4 nt drinking)!! ^^
biskut laut
= seabiscuits in maplestory
= chew jiun ru in real life?
niao dao
so lil time left till exam adi lo