Ok, the last time I blogged, I left you all wondering what's with this "Expectations Kills The Elephants". Before I proceed with the topic, let me present to you all, some random facts.
1. Yesterday was April Fool's Day. People tried fooling me, to no avail, but I did not have any mood to fool anyone. So yeah, another April Fool's wasted.
2. The day before yesterday, was the first anniversary of this blog being active!! So, this blog is officially 1 year old~!
3. Still figuring out what my thesis is all about, eventhough it's already week 5..
4. Have just completed a lab report of 46 pages long.. I dunno how the lecturer's gonna mark it.. hehe.. (good way to pay back to the lecturers..)
5. Gonna enter the final week of lent season soon, which means, this sunday's... PALM SUNDAY~! (will have a post on that!)
6. Check this April Fool's post of last year. You'll discover that there's a lot more celebration on the same day~!
Ok, I bet that's enough of the updates. Back to the topic....
Expectations kills the elephants. This phrase, can be seen in several ways.
1. When you have too high of an expectation on someone, even if that person is as great as an elephant, that person will still die. Imagine this, you see an elephant. You expect it be big and strong. But, always remember, elephants do die. Elephants do become prey to predators. If they are all so mighty and strong, why can't they defend themselves from predators?
(Revised for Rick Sim)
2. When you have too high of an expectation on yourself, you'll go nuts again. Imagine someone who is not an elephant expecting oneself to be an elephant. When one does so, one might try to fight the dog (when one is actually a cat). Result, let your imagination let loose.
3. When both is happening at the same time, disaster is about to strike
PS: And it is finished. This post is finished.
2 weeks ago
2 Donations to the Lounge:
oh, my apologies for my ignorance and lack of knowledge plus the ideology of an idiot
blog post revised.
It is finished. =P