What does noob mean to you?
This is a word that has been developed in this modern era, that I'm not even sure if it's in a dictionary. Somehow, i tried it in dictionary.com, and hey, there's 1 website which offer 2 definitions for the word "noob". Yeah, not one, but two.
None of Our Business
[not an acronym] Newbie (a new person; often used pejoratively)
(taken from http://www.acronymfinder.com/NOOB.html )
Surprising fact that noob is none of our business... but i was refering to newbie. Lolz
I am still a noob in music, and I am more than happy to say that. Shit happens, even after 7 years of learning something, you're still a noob.
As for my studies, I'm no longer a nerd. Just cause I have a nerdy look, doesnt mean I'm a GOD in studies who don't have to study and still can score HD's all the way.. Evidence, I lost my scholarship.. If any of you need more evidence, I can give you more this coming semester, just say so...
Why I'm saying this? I'm frustrated at 2 things. My noobness at music which I think is kinda humiliating. Another is the fact that when you need help in studies, people tend to say this "You don't need help. You're a GOD. Why study? Just go in and for sure you can get straight HD's"
I regret teaching them when they asked me questions.. Shit do happen in this shitty world..
2 weeks ago
2 Donations to the Lounge:
Think you're a noob, and you'll always be one.
Think like a pro, and you'll become one.
Thinking of failing before you even begin. Might as well not begin at all.
oh yes.. i definately agree with titus tang..