Ah, the wonder of the word accomplishment. It just makes people drool over the sense of being an accomplished person. Well, how do we define accomplishment?
According to this website, accomplishment can be defined as the act of accomplishing or the state of being accomplished; completion. It is also something completed successfully, in other words, achievement. It can also be seen as an acquired skill or expertise, or probably, social poise and grace.
So what about me? I have accomplished lots in my life though I'm at the tender age of 20. I have completed numerous games and challenges, and have acquired some skills and will acquire an expertise in the field of engineering as well. I can also be regarded as a sociable person. So, does that make me a successful person?
I've been thinking, why have I been trying so hard in my life nowadays, trying to balance both my church and my university, without forgetting to squeeze time for my family, and hopefully a new addition to my family as well. Where can I find time? Since I've accomplished so much, what's next?
Questions and questions are there. I would not regard myself as a person with lots of accomplishment, yet lots of unaccomplished tasks. The tasks are just too much that I don't think the list will end within the coming ten to twenty years. Yeah, burdens are present everywhere in my life. Well, tonight's prayer meeting, opened new dimensions to me.
I got to know that, I have to start from square one, or perhaps, square zero again. Start from scratch in everything I'm doing now. Perhaps, I've grown arrogant, forgetting that I need God's grace and spirit to lead. I've been using my own might and power, so as to say, for the past semester. Result? Not good. Well, thank God for the prayer meeting. I shall start humbling myself and relearn everything once again, hopefully God will shower His grace on me. Really thank God for touching my heart tonight, and making me feel the Holy Spirit working in me once again. The feeling is just great. Nothing beats it. Revival is really a good way to recharge me.
PS 1: Sorry, this post shall end here.
PS 2: Sorry, this post don't contain any interesting graphic or images. So it's a lengthy word post that should be boring.
PS 3: I'm not being emo, just wanna thank God for the prayer meeting, and wanna make those who missed it feel regret.. haha
PS 4: I've slept on my couch throughout the night, and am having back pains now.. Another sign of aging.. Aargh...
PS 5: The words little children have appeared twice in my life today, once in prayer meeting, once more in the daily bible verse on my right hand side toolbar.. maybe there's a meaning..
2 weeks ago
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