Lots have been happening around...
But before I proceed with myself, grats to Ivan and Karen~!
Wahaha.. Damn happy about it, I myself can't really sleep the night before their wedding. I myslef am not aware why I'm so happy. Well, maybe it's cause Ivan is like a brother to me already. I don't talk much with him, or anyone in Ken Damansara Cell Group, but I do feel home with them and feel a part of them. That's why, when Howard got wed, I tried to offer as much as I can. When Ivan got wed, I did too.
It's amazing to be in God's plan now. Coming to KL. Joining Ken CG, Then seeing one by one of their members getting wed. I do hope this wedding rally never end~! Who should I expect the fourth member to be? Haha.... Horace? Phoebe? Beatrice? Jonathan? I do wonder.
These few days, I've been in a lot of events, and the preaching this week is about character. Makes me reminded of what I've done in my Windows Live Spaces blog: asking everyone to tell me where I can improve.
I guess, it's time to ask everyone the same question after sometime. As I know, people change, and needs to be rebuked from time to time. Thus, do comment on what areas I can improve so that I'm a better person, and a person more like Jesus. Please don't think this is an emo post, and say things like "U're doing great, U're a good person"... I don't need thos comments. I need ideas to improve.. Seriously.. And do suggest also how I can improve myself.. cause... I'm lazy to think.
So long for this post. Hope I'll have to give wedding angpau again real soon~!
2 weeks ago
4 Donations to the Lounge:
How to improve?
Don't be lazy to think how
and when's ur turn to get married? XP
perhaps a decade from now
how to improve?
there's a saying i fancy
"While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior." -Henry C.Link
Pray for sound and constructive people in your life who will confront out of love to build u up and help u move forward as u seek space for improvement.